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WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 fiction n (imagined story)SCSimplified Chinese 小说 xiǎo shuō TCTraditional Chinese 小說  I read mostly fiction but sometimes pick up a biography.  我读的大多是小说,但有时也会拿本传记看看。 fiction n ([sth] untrue)SCSimplified Chinese 谎话 huǎng huà   SCSimplified Chinese 谎言 huǎng huà,huǎng yán TCTraditional Chinese 謊言   SCSimplified Chinese 捏造 huǎng huà,niē zào TCTraditional Chinese 捏造  Everything she told us last night was fiction.  她昨天晚上对我们说的一切都是捏造。 fiction adj (of works of fiction)SCSimplified Chinese 小说的 xiǎo shuō de TCTraditional Chinese 小說的  Many consider him the greatest fiction writer in his language.  许多人认为他是该语种中最伟大的小说作家。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

复合形式:英语中文 crime fiction n (detective, police stories)SCSimplified Chinese 犯罪小说,探案小说 fan fic, fanfic n (stories by fans)SCSimplified Chinese 同人小说   SCSimplified Chinese 同人文 fan fiction, fanfiction n (stories by fans) (粉丝写的故事)SCSimplified Chinese 粉丝故事, 同人小说, 同人故事 flash fiction n (extremely short story)SCSimplified Chinese 微小说   SCSimplified Chinese 袖珍小说 historical fiction n (stories set in past era)SCSimplified Chinese 历史小说 lì shǐ xiǎo shuō TCTraditional Chinese 歷史小說  To do a good job at historical fiction, you need to do lots of research. nonfiction, also UK: non-fiction n (factual literature)SCSimplified Chinese 记实文学 jì shí wén xué TCTraditional Chinese 記實文學   SCSimplified Chinese 非小说类文学作品 jì shí wén xué,fēi xiǎo shuō lèi wén xué zuò pǐn  She had read all of the author's novels but none of his nonfiction. nonfiction, also UK: non-fiction adj (literature: factual) (文学作品)SCSimplified Chinese 非虚构的,真实的 fēi xū gòu de,zhēn shí de TCTraditional Chinese 非虛構的,真實的  The nonfiction section of the library is upstairs. popular literature, popular fiction n (mass-market fiction)SCSimplified Chinese 大众文学 dà zhòng wén xué TCTraditional Chinese 大眾文學   SCSimplified Chinese 通俗读物 dà zhòng wén xué,tōng sú dú wù   SCSimplified Chinese 通俗读物 dà zhòng wén xué,tōng sú dú wù  Mrs. Grogan didn't approve of her daughter reading popular literature. pulp fiction n informal (trash novel or magazines)SCSimplified Chinese 低俗小说 dī sú xiǎo shuō TCTraditional Chinese 低俗小說  Critics considered his novels to be pulp fiction.  批评家们认为他的小说低俗。 realistic fiction n (stories which reflect real life)SCSimplified Chinese 现实主义小说 sci-fi, SF n abbreviation, informal (science fiction)SCSimplified Chinese 科幻小说 kē huàn xiǎo shuō TCTraditional Chinese 科幻小說   SCSimplified Chinese 科幻作品  Sci-fi is my favorite literary genre.  科幻小说是我最喜欢的文学体裁。 sci-fi, SF n as adj abbreviation, informal (science fiction)SCSimplified Chinese 科幻的  This is one of my favorite sci-fi novels of all time.  这是我有史以来最喜欢的科幻小说之一。 science fiction n (futuristic, speculative stories)SCSimplified Chinese 科幻小说 kē huàn xiǎo shuō TCTraditional Chinese 科幻小說  Staples of science fiction include time travel and journeys to other planets.  科幻小说的主要内容包括时间旅行以及太空行星之旅。 science fiction movie, sci-fi movie n (film: speculative, futuristic)SCSimplified Chinese 科幻电影  We went to see a science fiction movie called Star Wars. science-fiction n as adj (stories: futuristic, speculative)SCSimplified Chinese 科幻小说的   SCSimplified Chinese 科幻题材的  Ursula K. Le Guin wrote science-fiction novels. work of fiction n (novel, etc.: invented story)SCSimplified Chinese 小说作品 xiǎo shuō zuò pǐn TCTraditional Chinese 小說作品  Her characters seemed so real, it was hard to believe the story was a work of fiction. young adult fiction, young adult literature n (books for readers in late teens)SCSimplified Chinese 少年小说   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: fiction [ˈfɪkʃən] n 1 [u] (=novels, stories) 小说(說) xiǎoshuō 2 [u] (=invention) 虚(虛)构(構)的事 xūgòu de shì 3 [c] (=lie) 杜撰 dùzhuàn 在这些条目还发现'fiction': 在英文解释里: adventure story - Afrofuturism - backstory - beam up - character - character-driven - characterization - chick lit - come alive - cover story - creative writing - crime novel - cyberpunk - detective - detective novel - dramatize - erotic novel - escapist - exposition - fantasy - fictional - fictionalized - futuristic - good guy - good story - goody - historical novel - imaginative - intrigue - literary work - novella - penny dreadful - plot twist - popular literature - protagonist - pulp - rising action - round character - scene - sci-fi - setting - shit - short story - short story writer - slipstream - speculative - starship - story writer - storybook 中文: 小说 - 短篇小说 在单词列表中: Literature, Library terms, PET Vocabulary List - F, 更多……同义词: fabrication, untruth, invention, lie, story, 更多……习惯性搭配: writes fiction, [science, historical, teen] fiction, love reading fiction, 更多……

标题中含有单词 'fiction' 的论坛讨论:

Transcribing names for English fiction 尊 (martial arts fiction) ..., now referred to as the Juvenilia. This early fiction was preserved by her family. - English Only forum longer fiction but the common lifestyle of numerous... - English Only forum ''an example of Gothic fiction'' vs ''an example of the Gothic fiction'' - English Only forum ~fiction written by poor hacks~ - English Only forum a fiction book - English Only forum a kind of convenient fiction - English Only forum non-fiction science fiction - English Only forum A random selection of redundant polite fiction - English Only forum add something to the canon, besides fiction films and all the rest - English Only forum apply to prose fiction a licence - English Only forum be out with (the second book of her science fiction trilogy) - English Only forum Calling all science fiction writers! - English Only forum Chance cannot be barred from fiction - English Only forum children's fiction vs. children's fiction books - English Only forum choice of tense when writing fiction - English Only forum Comma before prepositional phrase: wide selection of books, from science fiction to - English Only forum comma splice [acceptable in fiction?]: she's a widow, has a house - English Only forum Contemporary fiction - English Only forum convenient fiction - English Only forum crime novels/fiction - English Only forum drew on outdated science fiction tropes - English Only forum Eliot's fiction helps to guide us through what Socrates saw as the essential work of philosophy: knowing ourselves - English Only forum except where it ran its course in fiction - English Only forum Expanding vocabulary by reading fiction?? - English Only forum Fact in tension with fiction - English Only forum fan fiction - English Only forum Fantastic or Fantasy fiction? - English Only forum Fiction as an adjective - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'fiction'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "fiction" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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